Certified adaptations of full face masks to address COVID-19 CRISIS
Please note this webpage has been setup to answer common questions and address multiple matters as they arise to relieve our personnel of the many enquires. It will be updated frequently and information might change. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
In the beginning of March, we deposited an international Patent through our Italian company Mestel Safety, part of the OceanReefGroup, whom, under the brand OCEAN REEF manufactures full face masks for snorkeling and scuba purposes and through the brand Safety Protection Equipment, manufactures gas masks.
The Filed Patent is for an adapter to connect full face snorkeling masks to filters with the aim of transforming the snorkeling mask, into a personal protection mask. Its name is APA: ARIA Protection Adaptor, since our snorkeling mask line is called ARIA.
The adaptor would offer another possible solution and help providing alternative PPE in a time of dire need.
Mestel Safety SRL-Ocean Reef Group received from the Italian National institute for insurance against industrial injuries, INAIL, the extraordinary validation for the Personal Protective Equipment of third category constituted by the Aria/UNO snorkeling mask assembled with the APA adaptor (Aria Protection Adaptor) and the P3 filter, certified under the EN136: 2000 standard.
The use of the adaptor is at the discretion of each individual and should only be used when other approved PPE are not available.
How Does It Work

The APA with a certified and properly installed filter, can assist in the filtration of breathable air and reduce the inhalation of contaminants.
APA adaptor has a non-return valve, so only fresh air passes through the filter and only filtered air enters into the mask.
The exhausted air has a different channel and it is expelled from the lower part of the mask, where another non-return valve ensures air will only exit from there.
(In the open source project is also available the design of the Exhausted Valve Cover 22mm: an another adaptor made to filter the exhaled air).
Our snorkeling masks breathing technology is patented and certified. The airflow and the CO2 levels are tested and safe.
The converted mask is a reusable and cleanable full-face shield.
The adaptor kit allows to connect most common filters to the mask.
APA is compatible with all the filters with EN 148-1 connection.
RD40-22mm can be screwed on APA to connect HEPA filters (40mm 1/7″ threaded outlets).
All the Ocean Reef mask are compatible with our optical lens support.
Lenses are available in different graduation.
To filter exhausted air, wear a surgical mask on ARIA or install a filter with the exhaust valve cover.
The adaptor kit allows to connect most common filters to the mask.
APA is compatible with all the filters with EN 148-1 connection.
RD40-22mm can be screwed on APA to connect HEPA filters (40mm 1/7″ threaded outlets).
All the Ocean Reef mask are compatible with our optical lens support.
Lenses are available in different graduation.
To filter exhausted air, wear a surgical mask on ARIA or install a filter with the exhaust valve cover.

APA adaptor is compatible with all the OCEAN REEF made masks.
If you already have one of them you can remove the snorkel and use the adaptor on it.
Our snorkeling masks breathing technology is patented and certified.
The airflow and the CO2 levels are tested and safe.

The APA is compatible with filters that comply with EN 148-1 standard.
The RD40–22mm, screwed on the APA, is compatible with filters that comply with ISO 5356-1.

P3 Filter
The APA is compatible with filters that comply with EN 148-1 standard.
The RD40–22mm, screwed on the APA, is compatible with filters that comply with ISO 5356-1.

Optical Lens Support
Lens correction support for full face masks.
Lenses are available in 7 different corrections per eye.
Is it reusable?
Masks and adaptors can be immersed in boiling water to sterilise.
We also tested in dishwashing machines with common cleaning product (tablets) at 70°C (158°F) for up to 1 hour. Colours maybe lost but items were fine and functional.
Where can I order the Adaptor?
The adaptor can be ordered through our OCEAN REEF dealers and distributors (European and American) or our head offices in Italy and US for hospitals and institutions. If you can’t find a suitable way to purchase, contact us.
How long does the filter last?
Can I download 3D files?
Is it protecting against COVID19?
The adaptor and masks alone do not provide any more than a physical barrier without any filtering abilities. So, no. Depending on type of filter, it, provides filtration of breathing air. We cannot test any certified effectiveness against COVID19.
Does it adapt to all OCEAN REEF masks?
Yes, APA works with all OCEAN REEF manufactured masks. We also have 3D files for other famous brand and can make for more, but you will still require gasket and mushroom valve as explained in 3D Files page.
Medical Experiences
We are using this new patented filtering mask. It is very innovative and much more safe than surgical masks. We use it, above all, for dental procedures or digestive endoscopy treatments.
My anesthsia group bought around 200 of your masks to be repurposed for us. They are actually really comfortable and feel safer than the n95/face shield.
We have to protect ourselves from a virus we have very little information on. By wearing this, I’m decreasing of contracting or giving the virus to someone else. I can’t accidently touch my face and the attached viral filter ensures my air is purified. I clean it after every patient I see, easily. With the lack of WHO advised PPE, this is a cheaper and efficient alternative. I have to thank Avendale Limited for providing me the 3d printed adaptor.
Do you want to share your experience? Contact us at infoitaly@oceanreefgroup.com
Tests & Evaluation
On May 27 2020 Mestel Safety SRL-Ocean Reef Group received from the Italian National institute for insurance against industrial injuries, INAIL, the extraordinary validation (protocol: INAIL.72000.27/05/2020.0016170) for the Personal Protective Equipment of third category constituted by the Aria/UNO snorkeling mask assembled with the APA adaptor (Aria Protection Adaptor) and the P3 filter, certified under the EN136: 2000 standard. This validation complies with the Italian Law art.15 comma 3 decreto-legge Governo Italiano 17 marzo 2020, n.18 Emergenza COVID – 19.
The use of the adaptor is at the discretion of each individual and should only be used when other approved PPE are not available.
After some preliminary tests carried out on Aria 19, APA and RD 40 adaptors, the following sanitization procedures are proposed.
They are based on recommendations from CDC, OSHA, the National Academy of Science and many hospitals in Europe, Canada, and USA. All the Aria 19 mask and adaptors are functional and seal well after each sanitization process.
- Remove any filter connected to the adaptor prior to sanitization.
- NEVER use any solvent, cleaner or abrasive product to clean the Aria 19 Mask, the RD40 and the APA Adaptor.
- Do not sanitise a mask+adaptors protection system that is clearly damaged.
- Be careful do not deform the Aria 19 Mask, the RD40 and the APA Adaptor during sanitization as it could negatively impact its fit.
- Follow one of the methods below.
Treatment in Diluted NaClO (bleaching solution)
1. Place the Aria 19 mask, the RD40 and APA adaptors in a commercial solution of NaClO-sodium hypochlorite (dilution: max 2.5-3% vol/vol) for 5-10 minutes.
2. Possibly, each mask and adaptors should not overlap or cover the other ones.
3. After sanitization, remove carefully the mask and the adaptors from the solution, rinse deeply under fresh water just to remove all the hypochlorite residuals and allow the perfect drying in a safe and no contaminated environment.
4. Maximum allowed sanitization cycles: 120
Treatment with Sanitising Wipes
1. Clean Aria 19 mask, the RD40 and APA adaptors with commercial alcohol based, benzalkonium chloride or hypochlorite based wipes.
2. After sanitization, remove the wipes, disposing them properly, and allow the perfect drying in a safe and not contaminated environment.
3. Maximum allowed sanitization cycles: 400
Treatment in Boiling Water (suggested only for domestic use)
1. Place the Aria 19 mask, the RD40 and APA adaptors in boiling water for 5-10 minutes.
2. Possibly, each mask and adaptors should not overlap or cover the other ones.
3. After sanitization, remove carefully the mask and the adaptors from hot water, allowing the perfect drying in a safe and not contaminated environment.
4. Maximum allowed sanitization cycles: 160
Filter Sanitization
1. Clean the filter with commercial alcohol based, benzalkonium chloride or hypochlorite based wipes.
2. After sanitization, remove the wipes, disposing them properly, and allow the perfect drying in a safe and not contaminated environment.
3. Maximum allowed sanitization cycles: 500
Treatment in Diluted Ethanol
1. Place the Aria 19 mask, the RD40 and APA adaptors in a commercial solution of ethanol (dilution: 3-5% vol/vol) for 5-10 minutes.
2. Possibly, each mask and adaptors should not overlap or cover the other ones.
3. After sanitization, remove carefully the mask and the adaptors from the solution, rinse deeply under fresh water just to remove all the alcohol residuals and allow the perfect drying in a safe and not contaminated environment.
4. Maximum allowed sanitization cycles: 120
Treatment with Medical Disinfectants
1. Clean Aria 19 mask, the RD40 and APA adaptors with commercial medical disinfectants based on
benzalkonium chloride, ethanol or chlorhexidine for 5-10 minutes.
2. Possibly, each mask and adaptors should not overlap or cover the other ones.
3. After sanitization, remove carefully the mask and the adaptors from the solution, rinse deeply under fresh water just to remove all the alcohol residuals and allow the perfect drying in a safe and not contaminated environment.
4. Maximum allowed sanitization cycles: 400
Treatment in Dishwasher (suggested only for domestic use)
1. Place the Aria 19 mask, the RD40 and APA adaptors in a dishwasher for one (1) hour at 70°C using
dishwasher soap. The dishwasher should be sterilized prior to use. They should be the only objects in the dishwasher.
2. After sanitization, remove the mask and the adaptors from the machine, allowing the perfect drying in a safe and not contaminated environment.
3. Maximum allowed sanitization cycles: 160
Upon completion of the cycle, the filter, the Aria 19 mask, the RD40 and APA adaptors must be stored in a closed PE bag ready for the next use in a dry and cool place. If one of them appears visually damaged or soiled, it should be discarded. Any mask and/or adaptors that has exceeded the sanitization cycles should be discarded as well.
Please note that successful completion of the chosen method and cycle signifies appropriately sanitised filter, Aria 19 mask, RD40 and APA adaptors.
Please note that this protocol is not formally approved, and each hospital should consult their EH&S officers or infection disease specialists for a standard operating procedure.
Our adaptors and connections are designed with the 40mm 1/7″ threading standard in mind. That is the same threading of most Gas Masks, as our SGE series masks (visit our website). While we may provide Multipurpose and P3 Filters, please note that any filter with that threading is compatible with our APA and EPA designs.
Different filters have different capabilities. You will find a lot of information searching on the Internet what filter best suits your needs.
This does not guarantee any performance as filters are intended for use with certified products and/or have never been tested by official notified body for use on a Full Face Snorkeling Mask.
What filters should I use with APA?
40mm threading canister Flters EN 148-1 we suggest to use with our product are:
MESTEL SAFETY PROTECTION EQUIPMENT P3 filter (SKU M40040-SP, technical sheet)
Scott Safety Pro2000 P3 Filter
Arco P3 40mm DIN Screw Thread Filter
Mira safety Particle P3
and many more.
We are not affiliated with other aforementioned manufacturers. There are many more that provide certified, similar products.
What filters should I use with RD40-22mm?
This piece connects rd40-22mm inlets to 40mm 1/7″ threaded outlets. With this, you can connect an APA or EPA, or SGE Gas Masks and other PPE that use the NATO 40mm standard, to rd40-22mm devices such as hydrophobic bidirectional filters, or similar that can commonly be found in hospitals.
ISO 5356-1 compliant bacterial and viral removal filters we have considered for application are following:
PALL BB50T : specs HERE.
Medtronic DAR™ Adult − Pediatric Electrostatic Filter : specs HERE.
and many more.
We are not affiliated with any of these manufacturers. There are many more that provide certified, similar products.
We have learned that these hydrophobic bidirectional filters have a very low breathing resistance and have excellent performances in protecting from contaminations, as well as having a very long duration. Here is an example of product specifications. We are in no way related to filter manufacturing, maker or have tested such equipment.
The rd40-22mm adaptor can be screwed on the APA. The hydrophobic bidirectional filter can then be inserted into the female connection.
These adaptor’s designs are also available for download.
Moreover, until testing and certification is not completed we cannot guarantee that the complete equipment is able to satisfy requirement to qualify as protection device and safety of the product.
We are able to adapt our technology also to other masks. Please contact us if interested.
Can I use my bayonet filter with a 40mm 1/7" filter connection?
How long does the filter last?
The service life of a respiratory filter depends on its size and on the conditions of use. Factors affecting service life:
• concentration of the contaminants
• combination of the contaminants
• air humidity
• temperature
• duration of use
• breathing rate of the user
Since the service life is influenced by many factors, it is not possible to give an estimated service life.
The end of service life is generally recognizable by:
• gas filters by a noticeable taste or smell of the
• particle filters by an increased breathing
• combination filters a noticeable taste or smell
and/or an increased breathing resistance
Anti bacterial-anti viral filters are usually used on breathing apparatuses. Manufacturers state that the intended use is for 24/48hr continuous use before needing to change (depending on brand/type).
We cannot guarantee any performance of 3d party manufacturer and of suggested products that, though certified and approved have never undergone testing in connection to our product and its use.
Further Questions?
We are experiencing very high volume of enquires. Before completing this module please consider above list of FAQ.
We will try to reply as soon as possible.
Thank you for understanding.
We want to thank...
So many people / companies have done so much and are doing so much to help us test, develop, find our way in the burocratic jungle, 3D print, mould, manufacture..
It is truly hard to keep track of all the exceptional human beings that are stepping up, often risking everything, for the benefit of the community.
We’d like to take the time and make amend in having took so long in formally thanking:
Dr. Lorenzo Ferrera, Carmelo Chiarenza and Mectrotech, ASL2 and ASL3, Fabio Caocci, Marco Semino and MPI, Paolo Lazzaro and Superfici, Dr. Niccolò Grieco, Massimo Pollio and Imagro, Centro Medico Santagostino, and many Hospitals that we cannot mention now.
Above all, we MUST and want to thank our Team in Italy and in the US, as well as everywhere they are in the World: Netherlands, UK, Germany, Canada, Philippines.. . It’s not easy to willingly get out from the safety of your home and family, come to work every day (though we have the permissions to do so – it is still e personal choice) and put on your best attitude, give your best effort, stay positive and find pride and joy in what you do. We feel blessed to know that “you have our backs and we have your backs”.
We will never forget the overwhelming feeling of unity, even accross our market, with our competitors, all pulling, pushing and sweating together, for a common cause.
Medical Disclaimer
The following content, including but not limited to project descriptions, preliminary test results, figures/images, and prototypes, published here is meant to maximize potential public benefit during this SARS-CoV-2 (formerly CoVID-19) crisis, specifically in addressing the urgent need around PPE shortage. The content is currently being submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for review and approval.
People or entities attempting to use the content in any way, including creating products or offering services, assume all risk and responsibility related to those uses, including all legal and regulatory compliance, safety, efficacy, performance, design, marketability, title, and quality. The Authors assume no liability related to the actions of third parties and in respect of any infringement of any patent, copyright, or other right of third parties.
Although no determination has been made with respect to this design,the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has declared liability immunity for medical countermeasures against COVID-19. https://www.phe.gov/Preparedness/legal/prepact/Pages/COVID19.aspx