EMERGENCY ONLY 3D files for adaptations of full face masks to address COVID-19 CRISIS
Please note this webpage has been setup to answer common questions and address multiple matters as they arise to relieve our personnel of the many enquires. It will be updated frequently and information might change. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
3D Printing Files
Our intent was to create add ons that could be applied to Full Face Snorkeling Masks, to transform them into PPE equipment that could serve the purpose in a moment of dire need and extreme scarcity of standard PPE products.
Along the way we have understood that needs are various and complex and that we could put our abilities to use, in multiple directions.
These adaptor’s designs are available for download, but we want to clarify that the printed pieces of plastic will only serve as connection, but not guarantee proper functionality. In fact, our design requires 2 more components (which we mold and use on various of our catalogue products). We have opened up to this open source solution understanding that, if this solution is found to be functional, our internal production might not be able to meet necessity/demand.
Moreover, until testing and certification is not completed we cannot guarantee that the complete equipment is able to satisfy requirement to qualify as protection device and safety of the product.
We are able to adapt our technology also to other masks. Please contact us if interested.

List of Adaptors – destination of use.

Aria for Charlotte
This connector was invented by Isinnova originally to use on other manufacturer masks as emergency C-PAP masks. What we did is adapt the connection to our OCEAN REEF masks.

APA - Aria Protection Adaptor
Our original concept, it connects an OCEAN REEF made Full Face Snorkeling Mask, to any filter, or device with a 40mm 1/7” thread.

EPA - E Protection Adaptor
Derivation of the APA – it connects another famous brand series 1 Full Face Snorkeling Mask, to any filter, or device with a 40mm 1/7” thread.

rd40-22mm adaptor
This piece connects rd40-22mm inlets to 40mm 1/7″ threaded outlets. With this, you can connect an APA or EPA, or SGE Gas Masks to rd40-22mm devices such as Pall breathing filters, or similar.

001361 Gasket EPDM
This part is to be placed in the grove circumference of the APA and EPA. This guarantees a seal when securing the filter. Any APA or EPA 3D printed, not assembled with this component will not work as intended.

rubber rd40-22mm
This piece connects rd40-22mm inlets to 40mm 1/7″ threaded outlets if associated with crown adaptor.

001371 Mushroom Valve Silicone 50ShA
This part is to be placed inside the APA and EPA with the pin pointing upwards and pulled through pin hole. This guarantees a seal when exhaling air. Any APA or EPA 3D printed, not assembled with this component will not work as intended.

APA - by Superfici
Our original concept, it connects an OCEAN REEF made Full Face Snorkeling Mask, to any filter, or device with a 40mm 1/7” thread. This file is optimized for FDM printing thanks to Superfici.

crown adaptor
This element can be used to secure the rubber rd40-22mm to 40mm – 1/7″ threaded ports.

Exhaust Valve Cover 22mm
This element can be used to attach a 22mm – ISO, ISO 5356-1, filter to the draining valve slot of OCEAN REEF made FFSM.
Disclaimer and file download
None of the above adaptors and connections modify another product into a certified PPE or medical equipment. OceanReefGroup, in its Companies Mestel Safety Srl and OCEAN REEF inc waives all responsibilities regarding use and application.
If end product is used by patient or consumer – both should be informed duly that the product they are using is an uncertified and limitedly tested piece of equipment.
We imagined two possible set of users who might want to download these files:
(please note this distinction does not apply to Aria for Charlotte Valve – the distribution of this file is made in accordance to Isinnova policy)
Non-profit institutions/Governmental/Private who have a non commercial use in mind – 3D printing of limited quantities of above designs, provided that any use is carried out at the receiver’s sole risks and responsibility.
Commercial/Development use – Scaled printing/moulding and further development of concept/patent. Contact us through Blue button.
The APA is not a simple piece of plastic and, if 3D printed, will be missing still parts, to work as intended in our invention:
1. Mushroom valve. A silicone valve that is commonly found in the scuba industry and that we make out of our own design and mould. Failure to include this part, misplacing or breaking can result in re-breathing exhaust air inside the filter again, incrementing the dead air space of the mask.
2. Gasket. This EPDM gasket is die cut and produced by us out of our design. Misplacing such gasket, breaking, substitution with different part can result in leaking outside air into the mask, bypassing filter.
3. Zip tie: this was included to secure the filter connector and reduce possibility of losing the filter and adaptor if getting entagled due to bulky filter. This can easily be found and sourced locally.
Valves and Gaskets - Mestel Safety & OCEAN REEF internal part numbers and identification.
001371 Mushroom Valve Silicone 50ShA
001361 Gasket EPDM
3D Printing Reccomendations
3D printing is a very tricky subject. We cannot recommend one printing solution as there are many. Materials can give different results, such as not being airtight. Mechanical resistance of material, in some filament machines and some printing, might not be sufficient, also, some materials are not recommended because of smell or other unfitting characteristics for the intended use.
What we can recommend is for professional printers only to attempt printing these objects.

Flat EPDM Gasket
We will be updating this section with alternative solutions/suppliers we find.
options for 3d party suppliers HERE1 ; HERE 2 ; HERE3
Please note we have no affiliation with suggested 3d party option and have not tested this part as suitable alternative.

Silicone Mushroom Valve
We will be updating this section with alternative solutions/suppliers we find
options for 3d party suppliers HERE1
Please note we have no affiliation with suggested 3d party option and have not tested this part as suitable alternative.
Below, designs of the mushroom valve and gasket. If needed we can supply also 3D files for these components.